ANYWAY. BACK TO YESTERDAY. ;D RG won AMK 5:0. yayye RGTT! (: Everyone played well and cheered well! (: I had funn taking candid shots of many people. xD and here's one! :D (sorry hanzhen and yi hui. i borrow you all for this time kayyes xD)
Up to you on how you decipher this picture xD SO, tomorrow Bdiv have two matches, against Mayflower and Gan Eng Seng. (: jiayou Bdiv! must jian chi yupp! (: Apparently this year's south zone has fewer girl's team from various school. so i was kind of shock to see guys team yesterday. if not, just purely one day day for girl's team. 6 tables, 4 tables guys, 2 tables girls. LOL. how greatt was that. Girls team: RG, Cedar, Gan Eng Seng, Ang Mo kio, HIH. Boys team: RI, cat high, ACS(I), St. Gabriels, SJI, Mayflower, Gan Eng Seng?, Ang Mo kio?. Guys team more competitive then girls i guess. anyway, gotta finish up my homeworks. (: Toodles! ;D
Who are we proud of?